My physical science topic is Nuclear Energy. The following websites provide information to students about nuclear energy and power plants:
The following website I found to be extremely informative:
It provides information about nuclear energy, an energy timeline, famous scientists that have contributed to the study of energy, tips on using and saving energy, and games and activities students can participate in using information regarding energy. This site provides an excellent activity for students to conduct an energy analysis of energy consumption for the past 50 years. Students are required to collect data from various websites that provide information about energy consumption and sources in production and consumption considering fossil fuels, nuclear energy and renewable energy sources. They will use graphs of historical data and research historical and societal events to determine and analyze trends in energy. This activity which is written in detail at this website will guide students to becoming scientifically literate relating to nuclear energy and various other energy sources. Through the use of the computer students will collect the data needed to complete the data graphs and charts.
This website offers a connection to real life by presenting information regarding the tsunami in Japan that caused the disaster of the nuclear power plant.
One challenge that I see for the use of technology within my school district is the availability of computers for many of my students. We have access to a computer lab at school that is not always reliable for use with thirty students at a time.